A pre-eviction warning letter is sent to the tenant to provide him/her with the last chance to mend his/her behavior. A warning letter may carry the notice of termination of the agreement if the receiver persists on the issue. The notice is sent before the owner decides to contact the court to file an eviction.
Sample -1
This letter serves you as a final warning before getting the courts involved in this entire scenario. Though I have given you many verbal warnings it looks like not having any impact on you. So, in this kind of situation, I find it mandatory to inform you of the legal actions I am going to take against your misdemeanor.
You have been renting my place since October 20XX. The last time you paid me the full amount of the rent was [Mention Date]. It’s been months now and I cannot withstand your excuses anymore. You always come up with lame excuses every month you’re supposed to pay the rent to which I somehow showed sympathy to the extent that it has become a routine matter for you.
A week ago, I saw you getting the new vehicle for yourself although the old one was in a good condition. It proves that you’re just befooling me giving one lame reason or the other. I cut down on many personal needs just because I wasn’t getting the full amount from you every month.
This drama is not going to work for you anymore. So, if you intend to stay here in longer runs, you are supposed to clear all the remaining amounts within 5 days active from right today. In otherwise, you will get the eviction notice from the court and in both cases, you have to pay me the full amount of rent.
Hopefully, you will prefer to clear the rent and stay in the house instead of paying the rent and then left with nowhere to be lived for days.

Sample -2
This letter serves you as a warning letter although we have been living on good terms since you moved here. But there are some rules that everyone should follow no matter what. I am getting constant complaints from your neighbors and guards for being negligent about the policies we have made.
It is clearly written in the contract letter that no one is allowed to smoke on the premises of the building. You, along with your friends have been caught red-handed many times and I have given you innumerable verbal warnings as well. But you are surely not ready to mend your way and I am afraid I have to evict you for this very reason.
Your agreement of lease hasn’t ended but through the courts, I’ll be on right to do that rightly considering this very matter. If you send me a confirmation letter that such activity won’t be repeated, then I can think of not going a step further.
Hoping to hear from you soon so that I could make decision accordingly.